Wednesday, May 12, 2010

So, I called Jeannie!!!

She can take her fake hair and shove it....ok, maybe it wasnt that bad. But just so you know, her school has 220 kids, a certified kindergarten and 7 certified teachers working there. Woman, I ran that building for you!!! I even ran it when I didn't work there...and the alarm company still calls me!!! Don't tell me how great that place is! She'll keep me in mind if something comes up because she has a wonderful full staff!!! Kiss my ass crazy lady.

Oh the best part, she told me to call Stephanie HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm overreacting, yes I know!! I'm just pissed off I can't find a job.... It really doesnt have anything to do with her.

I still have no idea what I'm doing on this blog thing...I dont even know if I'm doing it right!!

I need a beer!!! :)