Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's a smile, it's a kiss, it's a sip of wine, it's summertime :)

Hello Friends!!!!!!!!!

It's been a while, I know! Summer vacation is coming to a close and I'm sad.....as expected. This has been a ridiculously great summer. Got to hang out with a lot of amazing friends, found an amazing guy...and by found, I mean I gave him a chance :) and consumed a lot of beverages :).

I am trying to make it my personal goal to have a great, fun, exciting year. Last year was a beating to say the least!! I had no fun, was miserable and just an all around grump. I have come to terms with the fact I will not be getting a new job, which was hard. All through school everyone talked about how there were so many jobs and there was a massive teacher shortage...well the massive teacher shortages are only in like Oak Cliff because everyone is scared to work there. Anyways, I got into teaching to have fun and make a difference and that is what I am determined to do. I am going to continue to ignore my sociopath of a boss who tries to make everyone her victim by beating them down and just do what I am supposed to do. I can not allow her to affect my life anymore because then she wins!!! She is miserable and crazy and there is nothing I can do about it so I am moving on...though I do enjoy that she doesn't know I put read recipes on all the emails I send her so I know when she reads them......which she then ignores and never responds too lol!!! :)

I don't feel I need to recap my summer because you were all there :).....concerts, bdays, weekend trips, so I am just going to write down my bucket list!! Enjoy!!!

Here we go....
1. Go to an Ellen and
2. Oprah taping...preferably when they give away great stuff :)
3. I want to spend the night in every state
4. I want to stay in a little private hut in Tahiti and/or Fiji
5. Go on a month long trip around Europe...not backpacking of course :)
6. Learn and be fluent in Spanish
7. Have a lake house and/or a beach house
8. Have house with a huge porch and a porch swing
9. Go to Times Square for New Years Eve
10. Learn to surf
11. Get married on a beach
12. Go up in a hot air balloon
13. Lay on the beach of every ocean
14. Visit every continent...maybe not Antarctica ;)
15. Sky dive
16. Be on Amazing Race
17. and Big Brother
18. Learn to bake and then.....
19. Do a Food Network Challenge.....
20. Or a Cupcake War
21. Go shopping in New York or on Rodeo Drive...and be able to afford stuff :)
22. Learn to scuba dive
23. Send my parents on an amazing, all expense paid vacation...they deserve it
24. Hang out in the Hampton's for a weekend :)
25. Open a daycare...I will not hire Jeannie ;)

Love you all!!!!! Thank you for being in my life :)